Thursday, November 29, 2007

What do I want to be.....

I've taken a break from the blog to try to determine what my blog "personality" is. I feel a bit "multi-personality" right now. It may result in my withdrawal from the blog world and just keep my own family webpage going. I'll let you know the result once I decide. I'm thinking that since I am very much an in-person kind of girl, the voyeuristic aspect of the blog world may just not suit me. I like face to face (or at least voice to voice) , tennis match volley, conversing type conversations. I'm finding blogging is like those BC comics where the guy writes a sentence, sticks it in a bottle, sends it out, and hopes for a response.


meh said...

Soul searching about your blog identity...I hear you! Your analogy to the message in the bottle is great. I have put blogs out there that I totally expected a response, and wait, and wait...

By the way, how is the gluten thing going?

Blue Skies said...

i'm off the gluten free diet since Tuesday night and don't feel any different. So, I guess it didn't make an appreciable difference to me, which is actually a relief! I was seriously mourning Christmas baking and fresh, gluten-filled, bread. I'll do a trial run on gluten for Sarah over Christmas break. I'm suspecting that her problem is still more about dairy, and possibly soy, than gluten. I'm not seeing any significant changes for her either but it is harder to know with her. Thanks for asking about the gluten and thanks for replying to my post. I didn't know anyone actually still checked my blog except our friend over at La Vida Dulce.

Unknown said...

Good analogy. I think it depends on why you started a blog. I did it to keep up with friends but I have often had to stop and remeber that on days when I go without comments, or read others blogs who have a bagillion readers and seem to write so much better than me. It's sometimes hard to not compare! Ultimately, the blog is for me. An outlet for some writing and a way to connect with a few people!

I love coming to you blog because it gives me a small glimpse of what's going on in your life, and also helps me to see your kiddos grow up through pictures!! I would much rather sit face to face with you over coffee or chocolate, but at least the blog is a way to keep in touch across the miles!!

Lara said...

just checkin blog has all but died because my computer has gone on the fritz and I have to wait to use hubby's computer that is most reserved for study (he's back in school) and as you so rightly noticed that seems to be about once a month, on the 12th to be exact :)

Unknown said...

Have you decided yet? ;)

Just stopping by to say Happy New Year and that you and I have to have a PowWow regarding the Mom's Group.

Happy New Year Friend!
