I'm getting SO excited!! My friend Carrie is coming to town on Thursday. There are so many wonderful thoughts associated with that news to me. Carrie and I have been friends for 15 years. There is such peace in hanging out with a friend who has known you for that long. We can relax and enjoy without pretense or trying to fill the silent moments. Friday we are headed to St. Pete for a night of all things girly. Museums, pedicures, chick flicks, salads, fruity drinks, soaking in the hot tub, etc....you get the picture. A total disconnect from my everyday life.
Don't get me wrong, I really LOVE getting away with my husband. We have a lot in common and we enjoy many of the same things. He likes to shop. He'll watch chick flicks. He doesn't mind salads. I never have to twist his arm to spend time with me. In fact, he seeks out time together for us and has helped to keep our tradition of a weekend away for our anniversary alive for the 9 years we've been married. I feel reconnected with my husband as a wife and reminded of why I married him to begin with.
Girlfriend time is different though. It is refreshing and renewing in a different way. It is just as important time to me as time away with Mike. After time with a cherished girlfriend I feel refreshed and renewed. Ready to recommit to both my husband and my kids. I'm reminded how much they mean to me and puts the everyday mundane and boring into the right perspective. I rediscover why I love being a mom and a wife and find myself excited to come home and do exactly the same things I was doing before I left for a brief while. The girls squabbles aren't so serious. Their hugs and kisses are sweeter. My husband is even more dashing and handsome than before.
I praise God today for dear friends whether close or far away!
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel. Proverbs 27.9
That's very exciting! I am a bit jealous!
Have fun and take pictures!
Just one more day! Thanks for such wonderful thoughts, Jess. I'm looking forward to my time away as well! Proud to be your friend of 15 years,
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